Our daily struggles, within a material world.

Christopher Marley
3 min readDec 26, 2019

Life is game, a game that begins only when we can see and further understand the pre-determined paths our lives are set on. The game only begins when we want to break free from that path, otherwise we are merely pieces in someone else’s game.

From that point of realization we enter a constant battle with ourselves, the inner world, our true inner selves wish to remain in place, protected from the material world and yet we find ourselves in a position where where have to, in some way project an image upon it, a representation of ourselves. Yet we struggle to project our true inner selves on the material world as a constant imbalance across society demand that we in some way conform to traditional convention.

The game is the material world, we must as entities live within this world as it is impossible to live solely within the inner world. We must constantly project an image that is never true to ones self. We have evolved to become natural chameleons. We have understood that nothing is real, it’s all a game and we must constantly adapt and change our colors to win.

Our inner world is tied to this vessel that interacts with the material world, one cannot act independently without the other so we must learn to become strategic in our projections.

Life is the game, constantly testing us, our resolve as human beings. This material world you see is not the same that others see, you are the only player in your own game, everything and everyone else is a mere projection, on its own set path, yet somehow able to interact with your own path. Each predetermining factor designed to keep you on your path. And then one day, you break free from your path.

The system cannot understand this decision and thus throws more tests at us, the tests increase in ferocity and every now and again we come across others, who have broken free. We spend time together, floating around the material world, tempted by its bright lights, it’s comfort. Over time, we get lost to the material world and the inner world becomes nothing more than a dull echo, we forget it is even there.

Over time, you see the other person you had grown close to start to get pulled back towards their predetermined path, you try to resist, yet forget you are resisting the material world, the grand design. You can do nothing but watch and ask yourself a question, do I want to conform and follow them back to the path? or do I wish to continue to play the game?

Happiness is not about status, money, cars and whatever else. Happiness is when you are able to project your entire inner world upon the material world without caring how the other projections interpret you. It’s about taking control of the material world to give the inner world an opportunity to project its full self. It’s about winning, alone.



Christopher Marley

MarTech enthusiast, & decentralisation advocate. Passionate about empowering humanity & creativity through autonomous systems. Futurist. Consciously Curious